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[Buying] castle or keep



bump cmon sumone plz i just got scammed on uoforums i just want a castle not to keep gettin ripped off


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just FYI since I saw your post on uoforums castles usually go for 250-300 mil
I recently purchased one in a good location for 300M in fel.
Keeps come up pretty often. I suggest getting in touch with Giggles from Blunt Logic. She's a real pro at placing them and often has a keep for sale on some facet somewhere. You can find her here on Stratics or in game (weekends are tough though)
She's actually the one who brokered my castle deal. One of the most trustworthy people in the game IMO.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Just FYI since I saw your post on uoforums castles usually go for 250-300 mil
I recently purchased one in a good location for 300M in fel.
Keeps come up pretty often. I suggest getting in touch with Giggles from Blunt Logic. She's a real pro at placing them and often has a keep for sale on some facet somewhere. You can find her here on Stratics or in game (weekends are tough though)
She's actually the one who brokered my castle deal. One of the most trustworthy people in the game IMO.
:blushing: :heart: :hug:

Hey Dyrk,

As of now no Castles that I know of for sale. The last time someone contacted me to sell a castle on their behalf was about 2 months ago. I do not have any of my own for sale atm either. If I come across one I will PM you for sure.

My Icq is 375-739-774 if you wanna add me. I often plague everyone on my contact list when I have housing for sale or other items.


ok i guess ill change to a keep for now lol, i just like having enuff space i collect too much crap