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Casa's final resting place ?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone know where that is by chance... Just had a couple of players ask me in game & I had no clue.

Lady Mana

He's still at Castle Blackthorn right now, in the courtyard. Heh, maybe he'll be like Malabelle and they won't move him anywhere at all.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's where I thought he was to, & what I told Thump. He said he isn't there now. I'll have to go check & see

** Yip, he's still there face down, butt up. Must be someones Rye is making the eyes a lil off

Thumper from

Ok Ok it may have been the rye but...... i didnt think of lookin in trammel for the poor lad. I'm ashamed of the way we are treating the body of are king!!. The flies are gettin pretty bad around his poor body. Should he not b put to rest??


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Methinks burning his corpse to be rid of flies is a good idea. How about smoldering an effigy of a traitor in place of his less than royal carcass?


What is even funnier is the way he died. I heard he fell off the step
and died. What a klutz. Glad he is not king anymore.


Just throw some plain old lye on his arse and it'll take care of him. He'll be but a memory in a few months. Tops.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya ol' lye works wonders for $^!+, & would get rid of the odor at least too.
I think the Rye idea works well too :pint:


actually, in my eyes the cowardly ex king should get atombstone set up in hythloth, down in the balron area, much like gerald tuggins got agrave marked in despise,I was told that tuggins was awell liked game master who happen to pass now he has apermanent memorial in despise on the upper level across from ogrelord isle, best I know tram side, with the coon spawn never checked fel side

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
could always ram a pole into his #$& and use him as the new flag holder??
I say let him rot on the battle field as we do with all traitors of the Realm. Even if that battle field is a set of stairs. Let him just fade away.

*Tips his glass to Lord British and buys another round for everyone and the Old Give and Take Pub*:pint: