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[Fishing] Carpentry affect on boat repair (less boards used)



So i understand that having carpentry on your chr when repairing a boat means you use less resources... I assume boards, and tailoring uses less cloth. Cloth i am not concerned with... Cheap and easy to buy, boards are a different matter.....

I seem to use about 2k boards without carpentry to fully repair my boat from heavy damage.

Does anyone happen to know how much "less" resource use would be if I had carpentry? Would be a great addition to the FAQ is there were some scale... Eg 50 carpentry yeilds xx% less boards used, GM yields xx% less boards used.

Anyway, if anyone happens to have this info, it would be great!

i might just add carpentry to my fisherman and see how it goes... Just the thought of more skill training though.... *shudders*



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ABout half if you got GM carpentry and Tailoring on the repairing character. I gave a rune to my crafter. They do the repairs for my fisherman/Pirate.