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Capture the Flag Recap

EM Sangria

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think our reporters were around for this event, so I thought I'd post a quick recap.

The slaughter started long before the event. It soon became obvious it was Minax vs. SL. This made determining teams much easier for me. :thumbup1: Minax was put on one floor and SL on another. Blues were randomly mixed between the two opposing blood thirsty factions.

Now that the e-bolts had stopped flying we could get down to the rules. A neon blue crystal was placed on the arena floor, 'See this? This is your flag. There are three. Place all three in the hold of your boat to have your team be declared the winner.' (I like to keep things simple when I'm around people who want to kill each other.)

Both teams were then asked to dye something red/blue. For the red team we had:

Dyslexia [Min] [|HWM]
Edwardo Evannez [Min]
Lord Solaman Kain [)*(]
kid icuris [Min] [|HWM]
Your Team Is Bad
son of DAN [Min]
b gizzle
Book Master [)*(]

For the blue we had:
Noah Lockheart [DNA]
MuFasa The Great
Scott [SL] [KRY!]
Captain Stabbin [SL] [KRY!]
Naruto Uzumaki [SL] [D!D]

Each team was gated to their own island where they had to kill some nasty critters to obtain their flag (and took up the time needed to get everyone out of stat).

But! Instead of a Flag the teams received a note informing them that pirates had stolen their flag. The pirates were kind enough to include their location should the teams desire death.

Red team found the pirates and began to work on getting their flag back. The blue team... ummm.. their boat ran into a freak storm and had to be abandoned. The survivors were given a new boat complete with EMGPS to get them in the right spot.

Once both teams were in the same general location, a boat fight ensued. The Blue team decided boats were not for them and headed for the nearby shore. Red team followed kidnapping the pirates in the process.

The pvp was now on land. Pirates were blasted/bashed whenever there was a lull in the pvp. After a good two hours all three of the Flags were retrieved by the red team.

Honorable mention goes to MuFasa The Great for the most death robes collected!

Hope everyone had a great time!

Post here if you have feedback to help make the event better.


Former Stratics Publisher
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
The only thing I can think of is to maybe make this kind of fun event on a weekend? I soooooo wanted to be there! Time zones suxxors. :(


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your team really is bad.

Book Master and Lord Solaman Kain of )*( did a sweet sweet job of keeping the red team in check and in control. Great Leadership guys :thumbup1:. Event was fun! I however noticed, when I went to the PvP arena, the book said "This cannot be accessed", might want to change the security on that ;P