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  • Hail Guest!
    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

Capture the Flag Event!!

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event is capture the flag and will be held in Fel. Teams will be sent to different remote locations where there will be nasty things ready to have them for lunch. Kill the monsters to obtain the team's flag. Once you have the flag, sail to a specified location where you'll meet the other teams. Get all the flags into your ship's hold to be declared the winner. (Sounds easy doesn’t it? *evil grins*) The team name, guild name or the names of the participants will be engraved on two trophies. One will be displayed in the Awards House and the other will be displayed in the PvP Arena.

FYI - Tamers, thieves, necros, stealthers all template types welcome - anything goes.

Meet at the PvP Arena - March 5th (Friday) - 7:00 pst


If it is possible to post events at least 3 to 4 days in advance
it would be extremely helpful. Thanks for the awesome job.:):)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Deb! What shard don't you play on :lol:! While I was just visiting the event was a lot of fun! I even killed some guy on a two hour old character... Kind of made me lol.. Also, looted a 120 Vet off an SL, who killed me and got it back, but I was excited while that lasted. Good Job EM's:thumbup1:

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So very glad you enjoyed it. Seems most who attended did. It was fun for Sang and I to watch. You all were really good sports. Another reason we love Napa.
