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Caption This


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tooling around last night, I stumbled upon this:

Last time I saw something like that, EA was dipsatching cheaters. Is this the same or something different?

Let's caption it.
Here are mine.

1) Darn, no marshmellows.
2) Ettins roasting on a open fire....
3) That'l learn ye to riot in my cities!

Have at it.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I forgot to point out the 'Effigy of a Traitor'. The Ettin is covering part of it.
Danged traitors.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Bean Chalupa's, while the house specialty at the Salty Dog in, does have a bit of 'kick' to it!