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Candidate Debate


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If possible, perhaps we could get the candidates to post a time and date that they are free so that as many candidates as possible could attend the debate?

Candidates can, of course, opt out.

Location could be discussed as well.

Also, would anyone like to volunteer to be the moderator? To help shape the issues being discussed and to move things along if they drag out.

Finally, it would probably be best if Baja organized beforehand the questions to be asked of all and each individual candidate so that it moves along more quickly.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was hoping to have a debate organized, but it would be great if we can get people volunteer for some of the above mentioned tasks.

Unfortunately, I will not be around much till 9th of July. I propose to have a debate on eve of Friday 10th. However, maybe it is best to have it before then to keep the campaign steam going. Elections are currently scheduled to occur at various times between 15th and 19th of July.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd love to attend, but don't think I can be of much help in any potential debate.

Sample Questions:

What makes you a better candidate than X?

Many candidates speak of the need for an united front, what specific plans do you have to ensure this gets done?

There has been talk of war; what makes you an ideal candidate to lead or organize a fighting force?

Who or what has been the biggest influence to you? Reagan answers not allowed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Frodo. I will be sending out emails to the candidates in next 24 hours with proposed dates and such. I am guessing it will take another 24-36 hours for most of them to respond back. Once, I get their responses I will make a general post for everyone. So, in another 2-4 days you should hear something!

Sorry for the delay but I was on vacation! Cheers!