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Can you place an Ankh on a Britannian boat?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have tried - I keep getting the "you must own this house" message. I didn't know if there was a trick to it... I got that message when I first tried to place the special wheel, too, but it placed, eventually.

Thank you!


The brit boats can only hold 2 "one-tile" items. The Ankh is a 2-tile item. Sorry - but it will not work.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh that would have been nice ! Being able to rez when soloin on your ship....

Still if I had the brit boat would probably use the anvil and elven oven. If you bring a fire beetle, enough cloth and have a crafter toon with tinkering, tailoring, smith, mining, lumberjacking, carpentry and alchemy (and a + 20 cooking talisman or even better some soulstones, one empty and the others with cooking and bowcraft/fletching).
With such a crew member you can craft mostly anything needed without having to leave the boat (canons, ammunition etc)
You can repair your ship wit less cloth and wood loss
You can repair the armor and weapons of the fighting crew.
And even prepare a huge meal to celebrate the wining battles ;)

In fact you can live mostly on-board, going ashore only to shop wood and collect wool/cotton to craft cloth in a tailor shop.


Siege... Where the fun begins.
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a dumb question, I know... but - how do you tell how many "tiles" an item has? In CC.