Using an axe in battle, will it give me LJ gains? I am at 91.5 LJ and going crazy. Any other productive and quick ways? Or am I doomed to run in forests for a week?
Oddly enough, yes, because of the LJ's special attack. The game engine makes a check for each skill used during combat. If you successfully execute an attack using an ax-type weapon there's a small chance, based on the difficulty of the strike, of gaining LJ skill just like Swords or Parry during combat. However the easiest way to GM Lumberjack is still to go out and chop trees. Lots of trees. Lots and lots of trees. Lots and lots and lots of trees. (shudders at the memory).
Still, it's not as bad as Taming. There was a time after I GM'd Taming when I couldn't go anywhere w/o wanting to make friends with every bull I met. Even in RL.
Edit: Oh, and like difficulty based skills the chance of a LJ gain in combat is extremely small or even -0- if the relative chance is too low. If you're due a GSG you'll get one no matter what but thereafter it's far slower than chopping trees, IIRC, because you earn a "check" every time you have a chance to get logs. Monsters are much harder to chop than trees, however, so the checks are fewer and farther between.