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can we talk about the fizzle sound effect?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is this supposed to sound like a car stalling? is this the same noise alligators make in the game? interesting choice for sound effect.

if it’s supposed to be an alligator, why choose the alligator sound?

a wizard

Maybe alligators sound like a fizzle, and they chose the fizzle sound for alligators.

Lots of sounds were recycled though, especially older content stuff. Saved drive space during a time when that space was limited.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i need to know about the lore behind mages farting every time they get interrupted casting a spell


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always thought it was the sound of.. erm, flatulence?
Same. We used to say we "farted" when we fizzed.

i need to know about the lore behind mages farting every time they get interrupted casting a spell
When mages are casting spells, they actually eat the reagents, which cause a lot of gas buildup as the mage is casting. If the mage doesn't properly incant and channel the spell, the gas is then expelled from the ass rather than in a spell.
The cost of frequently replacing underwear got so expensive, that our chars just opt to wear the same pair of crusty, ****-stained undies for 25 years instead.

Some very talented Mages can even incant spells from their ass, like this one. You REALLY don't want to see this mage summon a Daemon...
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