I don't want any percentage of the kills or anything if I disco and someone else kills something. I got a lot of gains discoing swoop while others killed him, and it's nice to help someone out without snatching a percentage of their loot. Just do some of the damage too, then you'd get loot.
I do find peace bards a royal pain at times though. Area peace can lead to some deadly retargetting, especially if you didn't realise that person was a peace bard. I would say that if mobs are already voked by bard 1, the second bard area peacing shouldn't affect the fighting mobs, only those around them which aren't yet voked. Does that make sense? lol. In which case that peace bard would be useful, not causing a lot of mobs to suddenly jump someone. So 2 bards could form a team rather than play bard wars.
Nicely put I think.
I like to provoke, and I like to assist in large groups at spawns, taking things off of peoples' dragons when they are over run and in peril, turning away targeting critters from other players.
A peace tamer makes my bard useless, specially on a boss.
Maybe I should just go back to playing tamers, like I have virtually since pub 16, but I like my bard, and I like provoking.
So I am kind of wondering, have we bards waited long enough to have our skill set honestly looked at and befitted/fixed?
I don't want a peace nerf, a "sampire" change, or archer "balance".
I want to play my bard without someone undoing my provokes.
I would also like tamers not have to re command their dragons "all kill" after I provoke, it is interfering with increasing my friendships in the multi player community.
I play to make friends and have fun, not to create friction because of broken game mechanics.
I know the developers have a lot on their plate, but the provoke end of the bard spectrum has really taken it hard for quite awhile now, in both popularity and functionality.