Hail: The point the OP is making is that there is a limited number of total items your account can hold. Charaters packs, bank box, and house. Most of your total items is taken up with jewlery/armor/weapons/cloths. Then there are all you Vet reward items, token items of all kinds, and any rares/semi rares you have. Now, add to that, plants, and other Deco items and you are pushing the limit of your total storage space.
Now, over the years there have been events, and such. You get more of the above items from these events, and start getting other items that, "Seem to be Deco Only", or even items you have no idea what they are for?
So, with limited space, and still getting items, of all kinds, a decision has to be made. What do i keep, and what do i throw away? Every Game in the world helps you out with this exact situatiion. "Remember to keep your wooded sheild, and club, as the cave Excor has a barrier that will not let anything made of metal through it", and the like.
Saying there will be a turn in, but not saying what will be accepted as a turn in, is WRONG. As i have seen in the event, there is all kinds of armor, weapons, jewlery, and even gold left on the dead creatures. I do not see players leaving any of the, "May seem to be Deco only" items on the creatures, do you?
No Promise was made saying what will be turned in. So, what if only the threads are for turn in? And your 100+ Plain Swords an Sheilds are not? How would you feel then? What if the turn in was at 7 to 1, and you had 6? How do you know?
No one asked for a turn in, EA said there would be one. They made it part of the even, not us. The least they can do, is provide more information, on what they put in the game.