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Can plants be stacked while growing?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im new to gardening and was wondering if it would still work to stack plant bowls while they are growing. I know they will not grow if they are in a secure or locked down container. But I wanted to be sure that stacking like 8-10 of them on top of each other would not have any negative effect. (And I dont mean stack as in a stack of 60k fish steaks, I mean stack as in one on top of another)


You can stack 5 or 8 of them on top of each other on a roof or floor.

Just be sure you "Lock this down" for each individual bowl and every day when tending, be sure you dbl-click each individual bowl.

Once they hit stage seven and "Pop", you will need to release them to spread them out or you won't be able to bring up their individual gumps any more.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome, Thanks. And on day 7 when they pop... thats when I can "pick" them or turn them into a deco plant right? Can that be done while they are not locked down? Also, whats the deal with a "Fragrant Seed" Exactly what plant does it produce, and what recourse comes from that plant? I am currently hunting Mummies in order to get seeds that can produce short hedges. I see that mummies can spawn 4 types of plants. Is the fragrant seed plant one of those 4, or is it in addition to those 4?


Its day 9 before you can turn them decorative.

Fragrant seeds are Cocoa tree's which give cocoa pulp as a resource, used by cooks to make chocolate based goods.

Fragrant seeds can be found on any of the seed giving mobs in all groups.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks. And I know you cant grow plants in a locked down container... but what about a container in your backpack. Like If I have 80 planted seeds in a bag thats in my pack on my character, will that be ok?


Thanks. And I know you cant grow plants in a locked down container... but what about a container in your backpack. Like If I have 80 planted seeds in a bag thats in my pack on my character, will that be ok?
Yes, in a container on your toon works fine. Just remember to check if you have to "Tend" to them when you log that character in.


If you have UO Assist, you don't need to spread them out once they pop either =)

What I did was record a macro of me double clicking each plant once they were locked down, put a pause between each one (so you didn't get the "you must wait" message) and ran that - not sure how many you can do on each macro though, but it worked well enough, and saved me having to spread them out =) You just end up with all the plants gumps open at the same time once it's run =)

But then I discovered the "use once" feature in UO Assist too, and stopped growing them locked down, and started on my person and beetle instead =)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I spread mine out with a bunch of nested bags, 8 plant bowls in a bag (four on top, four on bottom). To water/etc I double click each bowl in one bag so I have 8 gumps on top of each other and then as I water/etc I right click the finished gump. Works pretty well, tho dunno what I'm going to do when I get giant Cyprus trees and the like, hehe.


Personally, I have UOAssist, so I use 5-6 Bags in a Box or Chest... 16 to 20 plants per bag.

I open the chest and bag one, select the "Use Once Agent" and target bag one then hot key through each plant... repeat for bag two through xxx...

Makes it easy for me.


Personally, I have UOAssist, so I use 5-6 Bags in a Box or Chest... 16 to 20 plants per bag.

I open the chest and bag one, select the "Use Once Agent" and target bag one then hot key through each plant... repeat for bag two through xxx...

Makes it easy for me.
*nods lots*

I used to have all my plants locked down to tend them, cos I didn't like having my character stuffed full of things - she does more than gardening =)

But once someone here mentioned the use once agent, and I played with it to figure out how it works, there was no going back!

SO much easier!