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[Fishing] Can I get a price check on fish please..


Seasoned Veteran
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I just hit GM Fishing tonight and I am new to fishing.. I have lots of fish allready, and was thinking of setting up a fish vendor.. I was wondering what the going price is for the diffrent types of fish, shore, deep water, dungeon, and special named fish....
My shard is Catskills...
I will be selling shore, deep water, and dungeon fish by sizes of 10, 50, and 100...
What would be a good price to sell them at??

Also looking for prices on crabs and lobsters...

Thank you in advance for your help


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they go from 5 to 10k each normally around 9k depending on shard

Muu Bin

they go from 5 to 10k each normally around 9k depending on shard
I too have seen them go for the same price range. And, although I am an avid fisher, this seems a little steep for the average fish. Crab and lobster... sure... they are harder to come by; maybe even dungeon fish. But 5k for shallow water fish is a little much...:gee:


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On my shard:

Deepwater fish go for 2-4k each
Shallow fish go for 5k each (primarily because of the lack of other resources from shallow fishing, and lack of skill gains for GM+ fishers, making them less fished for). Mu, if you were fishing for gains, you'd probably want compensation via higher price, for blowing an hour or two you could have been going for gains, going for shallow fish for your vendor instead.
Dungeon fish go for 9-10k each
Crustaceans go for 10-12k each

some small-scale (non-deeded fish) vendors sell for 1k or less per fish, but of course don't have more than 40 mixed fish or 80 crustaceans, at a time. One even just fishes as a hobby, and throws his catches of a couple dozen fish and crabs onto his vendor in the middle of nowhere at default price for his allies to buy.

Muu Bin

I see where you are coming from with regards to lack of skill gain and compensation for not getting gains from fishing shallow water fish. That being said, this would be based on the premise that a fisher is still gaining in skill and is not already at 120 or is not stuck at another level for want of the next level PS. If this is the case, then it might be the perfect time to stock up on the shallow water ones while there is no "loss" of time spent fishing when one could be gaining.

Apart from the crustaceans, I try to regularly rotate my fishing sites between the shallow, deep, and dungeon fish. This way, I can also try to top my biggest fish record for the different types of rare fish.
