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Can Epaulettes be altered into Gargoyle form?


Seasoned Veteran
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I googled this question about altering Epaulettes and can't find a clear answer, I don't want to buy a Lord Morphius’ Epaulettes if it can't be altered to gargoyle form. I know there was a gargoyle version of Lord Morphius' Epaulettes during the event, but I wasn't sure if it was only obtainable via trade-in during the event and that the non-gargolye is maybe not able to be altered?. I'd buy gargoyle form if available, but I can only find regular non-gargoyle epaulettes in my shard.

Thank you


Seasoned Veteran
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Quite a few pair for them for sell on Atlantic.
Unfortunately I don't play Atlantic and even if I could go buy one there they're shard bound. I hope they eventually make the Lord Morphius’s Epaulettes available in another form (e.g. something along the lines with what they did with the Conjurer's Garb Halloween robe they turned it in to Epaulette Bearing The Crest Of Blackthorn from Castle Blackthorn) otherwise I have a feeling I'm going to have to wait till next Halloween to get my hands on one.


I Hate Skilling
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That's why the NPC had a human and garg version.

Billy Butcher

Well don't think it would have been called Lord Morphius’s Epaulettes unless future events are going to involve Lord Morphius I say you will never see them again. Had to be there.........


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Well don't think it would have been called Lord Morphius’s Epaulettes unless future events are going to involve Lord Morphius I say you will never see them again. Had to be there.........
Yeah, probably. But what I meant was that if this Epaulette with the same properties ever came back in the future it will probably came back with a different name and look and will have to be obtained by a different manner. Just like they did with Conjurer's Garb from the Halloween event of 2009, it later came back as " Epaulette Bearing The Crest Of Blackthorn", but other than name and looks these items have the exact same properties and function.


Crazed Zealot
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Yeah, probably. But what I meant was that if this Epaulette with the same properties ever came back in the future it will probably came back with a different name and look and will have to be obtained by a different manner. Just like they did with Conjurer's Garb from the Halloween event of 2009, it later came back as " Epaulette Bearing The Crest Of Blackthorn", but other than name and looks these items have the exact same properties and function.
I agree. This is what they need to do. It would breath life back into Blackthorn's Dungeon too.

Billy Butcher

They have made no mention of reusing items in future events but have seen none ask about it. They could have re hashed the epps with a new name for the Ice Event, they did not, they don't have any good quality items there now. I for one think it was a one time fluke they let us have great items at all.......


Stratics Veteran
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Unfortunately I don't play Atlantic and even if I could go buy one there they're shard bound. I hope they eventually make the Lord Morphius’s Epaulettes available in another form (e.g. something along the lines with what they did with the Conjurer's Garb Halloween robe they turned it in to Epaulette Bearing The Crest Of Blackthorn from Castle Blackthorn) otherwise I have a feeling I'm going to have to wait till next Halloween to get my hands on one.
Why not say what shard you play and maybe someone had one for sale?


Crazed Zealot
They will be hard to get now..Not too many people play Gargie fighters. So likely not may got spare garge Epis..But it would never hurt to ask in GC in the shard he plays, or in Traders Hall..But it will cost plenty.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They will be hard to get now..Not too many people play Gargie fighters. So likely not may got spare garge Epis..But it would never hurt to ask in GC in the shard he plays, or in Traders Hall..But it will cost plenty.
Yea don't think many got them. I was only able to get one set for gargoyle myself. Ended up with 3 human, 1 gargoyle ssi ones and 1 of the human fcr ones. Ran out of time.