Hello iam asking if anyone is transferring to any asian shard from ATL if u can help take say 10 random shard shiled tokens that are obviously account bound so no use to anyone else... just gives me an option to get stuff out of asian shards etc for me and anyone else who wants a free lift...like 10 tokens a shard...anyone got a little room to take a few random tokens drop off
I aleady have shard shileds to Hokuto and Asuka so ok with both of those its the other shards i cant get to but woulkd like take stuff out for me and anyone else wanting my public free lifts outta there...thankyou
I aleady have shard shileds to Hokuto and Asuka so ok with both of those its the other shards i cant get to but woulkd like take stuff out for me and anyone else wanting my public free lifts outta there...thankyou