Are you getting value for money for your hard work?
Orange petals are a valuable resource, taking much time and cost to grow (particularly if you have to purchase potions!), but I consider the cost/benefit returns are not economically valid.
Therefore I am proposing the setting up of an association to offer growers advice, assistance and a fairer pricing system.
Note: This is not a guild, this is a case of diverse players putting their heads together to make resource growing a more equitable passtime.
If you think you may be interested, PM me or contact me on 286885813
Thank you for your time
Orange petals are a valuable resource, taking much time and cost to grow (particularly if you have to purchase potions!), but I consider the cost/benefit returns are not economically valid.
Therefore I am proposing the setting up of an association to offer growers advice, assistance and a fairer pricing system.
Note: This is not a guild, this is a case of diverse players putting their heads together to make resource growing a more equitable passtime.
If you think you may be interested, PM me or contact me on 286885813
Thank you for your time