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Byebye for a bit atleast.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, my time has come to stop playing UO for a little while atleast, Im probably unknown or generally disliked by most, Auraka, hellfire, or sunkist-...would be who i am known as mostly...But nevertheless thanks for the memories, any and all grudges with you people are gone from my mind at this point, so if i do decide to come back which i probably will when work/school settle down, i will start with a clean slate, Hopefully by then the pvp will be a little more balanced and mage-friendly seeing as how i refuse to play a dexxer. But anyways if by some strange miracle i don't come back (which would be welcome) Thanks for the fights and good times!

Rand Al

everyone is leaving my last time code just ran out on the last acc few days back so i wont be getting on unless i decide to reactivate it pff!


I love you hell, and I like to party. Maybe someday we can both work up enough free-time to kill (or try to) each other again..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:( u know anytime you want to make an appearance..there's a acct you can play

btw hellfire is awesome!


You still played uo??

Not to be rude, but why do ppl post on here leaving uo blah blah blah. No one truly cares accept your guild and maybe a few other people. If uo has gotten boring its because you made it that way. If its because rl stuff then deal with it and play uo when you get a chance.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your a real quality guy jewvy, if you don't like what people post, don't comment on it. People can care or not care, thats not problem. I shouldn't even have justified this with a response, with all due respect jewvy, get a life.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well damn hell just when i get back to the states and can play again! Well anyway man Thanks for trying to teach me to mage heh.