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  • Thread starter spiderham
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The time has come for me to finally move on. I just wanted to drop a quick note to all of Pac and thank everyone Ive played with and against over the years. M, FL, MEC will always be with me.

Your Friend, Spider-Ham, Thing, Silk, Clams Casino, Eel O'Brian, Monty, Spider-Ham Jr, Qee, Duck Dodgers, Smithtwo, Clam Dip, Cap Caveman plus dozens of other toons.

P.S. I really picked some terrible names

P.P.S. No you cant have my stuff- I gave away my castle and tossed the last of my stuff.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Later Bro......Was great playing on this shard with you over the years.
Good luck on your future adventures in life.



The time has come for me to finally move on. I just wanted to drop a quick note to all of Pac and thank everyone Ive played with and against over the years. M, FL, MEC will always be with me.

Your Friend, Spider-Ham, Thing, Silk, Clams Casino, Eel O'Brian, Monty, Spider-Ham Jr, Qee, Duck Dodgers, Smithtwo, Clam Dip, Cap Caveman plus dozens of other toons.

P.S. I really picked some terrible names

P.P.S. No you cant have my stuff- I gave away my castle and tossed the last of my stuff.
Well good luck where ever you go....I havent seen you in FOREVER!!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you should of at least kept your castle and stuff kept the account active cuz in a year or two when your feinding for the game of all games you wont have all your stuff... I mean im game on in crysis 2 right now but dosent mean im gonna just walk away from uo muuaaa cloak engaged. :fight::heart::eyes::thumbup::party::thumbdown::pint: