Looking for the following Veteran rewards on Siege, will pay with Atlantic Gold.
- Black Dye Tub (1st yr reward)
- Furniture Dye Tub (1st yr reward)
- Special Dye Tub (1st yr reward)
- Commodity Deed Box (1st yr reward)
- Corrupted Crystal Portal (1st yr reward)
- Crystal Portal (1st yr reward)
- Leather Dye Tub (2nd yr reward)
- Runebook Dye Tub (4th yr reward)
- Seed Box (4th yr reward)
- Lighthouse (5th yr reward)
- Metallic Dye Tub (5th yr reward)
- Metallic Leather Dye Tub (5th yr reward)
- (3) Enchanted Granite Cart (6th yr reward)
- (3) Gargish Totem of Essence (7th yr reward)
- (3) Tree Stumps (7th yr reward)
- (3) Sheep Statue (7th yr reward)
- Polar Bear mount (9th yr reward)
- (3) Mining Carts (10th yr reward)
- Ethereal Mount Retouching tool (10th yr reward)
- Ankh of Sacrifice (10th yr reward)
- House teleportation tile set (12th yr reward)
- Garden Shed (15th yr reward)