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EM Event Item Buying/Trading Event Items


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Purifying Font Of Harmony

Ashes Of The Mystical Bennu Bird Matriarch: They Pulse With Life Still!

Crux Ansata Gorget
Crux Ansata Tunic

Dead Lord Armor Legs
Dead Lord Armor Arms

PM or ICQ 173066747

Last edited:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Purifying Font Of Harmony x2

Ashes Of The Mystical Bennu Bird Matriarch: They Pulse With Life Still!

Crux Ansata Gorget
Crux Ansata Tunic

Dead Lord Armor Legs
Dead Lord Armor Arms

PM or ICQ 173066747
Are these the items you are wanting? Can you icq me and let's meet up to see what is for trade? I love trading!