1-3 casting
15 defence chance increase
15 spell damage increase
mana regen 2,3, or 4
+Parry, mage,eval,wrestle,med,resist any of these stats will do one is fine more than one is great
int or mana increase is not needed but will bring up price ill pay
lmc is not needed but again ill pay more if its on the ring or bracelet
message me with what you have my icq is
even if item is close send me what you have and ill take a look thanks
15 defence chance increase
15 spell damage increase
mana regen 2,3, or 4
+Parry, mage,eval,wrestle,med,resist any of these stats will do one is fine more than one is great
int or mana increase is not needed but will bring up price ill pay
lmc is not needed but again ill pay more if its on the ring or bracelet
message me with what you have my icq is
even if item is close send me what you have and ill take a look thanks