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[Buying] Buying the following gloves on Europa



Yes! Buying gloves with the following mods (only resists);

18 Physical
17 Fire
NA Poison
NA Cold
(17-22) Energy

(Mage Armor/Meddable as standard)

Thats it folks! No other mods necessary just those resists on glove armor slot, please feel free to pm with shard and price or just post your reply here, thanks! x

Asahina Yajinden

this is what i found so far. these are located on the origin shard, let me know if u like any of these...

.1 barbed leather gloves
man inc 7
Luck 76
p 19
f 24
c 7
p 7
e 20

.2 barbed leather gloves
man inc 6
mr 2
p 18
f 18
c 6
p 12
e 18

.3 barbed leather gloves
man inc 6
ref phys 8%
p 21
f 17
c 7
p 8
e 22

still have another house full too luck through.