Okies i have 2 contracts worth 15m each...one for the meerwarrior and one for the juka warrior statues
u need to gain 10,000 meer or juka loyalty by killing the gravediggers in Ilshnear were blackthorns castle used to stand....i have done both the 5k point meer/juka mage statuettes and yes it takes time....
i base my 15m contract on roughly a maxiumn of 10 hours play / work..for each!!!!.....its also great for training a new greater dragon up and raising taming/vet/lore skills for free....i dont have the time of day to get these but would love both for display in the europa public museum the full set......thankyou
icq 267208357 if u want to earn 15m for one [max 10 hours] or 30m for both [mx 20 hours]
u need to gain 10,000 meer or juka loyalty by killing the gravediggers in Ilshnear were blackthorns castle used to stand....i have done both the 5k point meer/juka mage statuettes and yes it takes time....
i base my 15m contract on roughly a maxiumn of 10 hours play / work..for each!!!!.....its also great for training a new greater dragon up and raising taming/vet/lore skills for free....i dont have the time of day to get these but would love both for display in the europa public museum the full set......thankyou
icq 267208357 if u want to earn 15m for one [max 10 hours] or 30m for both [mx 20 hours]