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[Buying] Buying Snow Piles


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need tons and tons of them for a deco that I am doing at one of my houses.. I will buy or trade for every Snowpile that you have...
The ones that I am looking for. Are the big snow piles that are like the stalagmites and not the "piles of snow"...
Although I will also buy the "piles of snow". I mostly need the Snowpiles and will also pay less for the "piles of snow"....

Realisticly I am going to prob need about 50 of them for the whole house.. It will def take me a while to get that many.. So every bit counts!! If you have any laying around I will gladely buy them..

Again I need tons of them so please if you have any or find any from IDOC's please contact me and I will buy them all =) =)..

Thank you anf hope to hear from all of you potential sellers!!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats awesome! How much are you looking to get for all 5?? And what times are you ussually on??


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I you gotta get us a screenshot of that!

Sorry I threw all mine away because I am addicted to 250K point collection dyes.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am upto 23 right now... Still searching for more..

I will def get a screenshot of it Flutter..It is going tobe awhile tho, I have alot of work on my hands... I recenently grabed a spot in Malas's snow mountains. Where I fit 4 houses All of them next to each other(Another guy has a marbel house inthere also.. that I want to buy). Its in a mountain range with only 1 entrance and exit And right now I own 4(all 18x18) of the 5 houses in the range.. So I am going to build like a little town... At the one house i am building a mining cave.. I have 4 mining ore carts for ita and inside the mine I am going to stack geodes and have rocks allover and just realy detailed... and surrounding the cave im going to have the snow piles all about..

One of the houses i have almost civers the entire entrance, just 2 spaces off.. I might be able to move it over so it covers the whole entrance, i still have to check
If I can get the house to cover the entrace, I might do like a game of thrones theme there.. Maybe build the wall and only way into the range is thru the doors to the wall..