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Buying Reward Statues 100k Per Year, Character Statues 900k, Parrots 10k, Rare Parrots More? & Jewel




i got two cannons for sale 379247216...

[/ QUOTE ]

What if he is planning to shoot parrots out of a cannon at people? You could be playing right into his evil schemes.


Azural Kane

Which parrot colours are rare? And, what do they sell for? I've generally just thrown the things away when I've got them but if parrots actually sell I might keep some


Blaze, ice white, and ice blue are the rarest from what I can tell. I think those only come from the peerless bosses. Actually, I think any of the BoD reward cloth colors may have a chance to drop as loot on the peerless. I have teal, bubblegum pink, and blaze which are listed as "rare" but they don't seem all that rare. I only saw a couple of ice white/blue on display in people's houses on Siege and those were people who did lots of spawns.

I wish we could change our parrot's perch. It is annoying to change your deco scheme and want to have a different colored perch but be stuck with what was first chosen for the parrot.



King of The Bearded Ladies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have parrots but will only sell in lots of 100 or more.

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hell i'll buy them in bulks of 200 shoot me a PM tonight ill buy them up