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Buying a guild stone



I'm looking for one with a very RP'ish name, preferably something relating to UO history, such as an occurence, a place, a name, or event something having to do with an event or something or someone out of an event.

For instance I currently have one that reads

Restorers of the Relvinian Order [RRO]

Something along these lines, if you have something that you think will fit what I want please pm or icq me with the name, the acronym, the price, and the shard.



heheheh i not selling one i just wanted to clasp on to this post with my fingertips lol!!

I personally would like to own a guildstone - always have liked them - started my guild when guildstones were no longer available

Anyhow if anyone has some on europa for sale that the original poster doesnt want - (i not here to steal his business)

then please let me know too

.P.S. there is one guildstone i am particularily interested in - the guild was called EoD if anyone has this on the europa shard pls pls pls let me know if u will sell it - dont know if guild still going or if it has defunked now

ty again


I completely love the Lone Llama Riders one!

I wish you were on Europa...


Well the ones listed below are the ones I'm most drawn to, and since I play on LS, the LSU stone would most likely be my prefered, with the next being the HOP stone.

LSU - Lake Superior United

HOP - Holy Order of Paladins
PoC - Paladins of Cove
DDL - The dark draconic legion
N|S - Nemesis of Shadow