for whats it worth, i would go for the Sampire. Can be assembled for fairly cheap. Make it an elven female and you can wear any armor in the game. The basics to get you started would be a quiver of ininity, heart of lion/violet courage, fey leggings, brightsight lenses, +15 necro bracelet, +15 necro ring, Ossian Grimoire, +5 necro bloodwood spirit totem, and a soul seeker. Those are the absolute minimums, can make up the rest of suit outta decent leather armor, until you can afford things like mace and sheild glasses, and jackals collar, midnite bracers, etc....
can fight with the cursed jackals that is dropping like water now, and use cursed midnite bracers and keep in bank also
the quiver and Grimoire are available from the heritage tokens, which are also dirt cheap right now
next skills:
115 swords, bushido, parry
100 heal
90 anat
70 tactics
60 chiv
55 necro
before you start anything, put on bloodwood spirit, jewels, grimoire to get to 100 necro, and cast vampiric embrace. Take off jewels and replace with the highest HCI, DCI, DI you can afford.
In vamp form you leach 20% of the damage you deal out. With 100 healing, you will never fail to cure poison, with 70 tactics, and soul seeker, you can use whirlwind to make short work of mobs, get a fast heavy hitting weapon, and you will be making gold faster than you can spend it. There is a lil bit of capital involved to get started, but all the basics can be had for not very much, if you are in a guild, or have friends that play, odds are they already have most of these items, and will just give them to you, or sell for a deep deep discount.
The way to fight:
if fighting one on one, then enemy of one, honor, and consecrate weapon
if fighting mutliple enemies at once, stay away from EoO, as other critters not affected by it will do 2x damage. Use honor as much as possible, consecrate weapon, equip soul seeker, and whirlwind till they are all dead
you can lower necro even more if you have midnite bracers, and put points into chiv