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[Buying] Bulk Low Bods for Tailor/smith ( IRON/LEATHER/CLOTH )


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Hello all!

I Know that these exist in the tens of thousands from idoc drops and general bod hoarding, and i am looking to stock up massive on my bod addictions.

Looking for:

- CLOTH : Any variants of 10/15/20 Normal/Exceptional, Small and large.
- PLAIN LEATHER : Same as above, all variants of footwear/armor/Normal/exceptional etc
- BLACKSMITH IRON : Weapons and armors of all numbers and quality, small and large bods.

Would also buy DC/Shadow/Copper and Spined/Horned/barbed as long as its an OK deal for BOTH of us.

So, go thru them boxes in your houses and get some money for all the crap, and some of you may feel extra nice and donate the most useless ones to me? :)

Get back to me, Thank you!
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