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Bugged char

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've already write on eabug and also here but noone has helped me. No answer.
The problem is that a char of mine, elf, see dark like a human. Not only, but in the dungeons see like noir. I've already deleted the directory, make all settings new, changed the char to elf to human and than to human to elf but nothing. I see dark. In the see, when i through the server lines , it become dark.
Obiouvsly the he box 'dark night' of the box allows user is NOT checked.
Someone can help me?
Don't tell to me to write again to uo bug because they don't ansered to me and my char is still bugged.
I've written also to ea support. but they given to me a canned answer :)
I can't delete the char because it has all skills at 120 (magery, eva int, meditation, peace, music and fishing). it needs too much money to make a char like it.
In the same account all chars are right


Check if your char has night sight items equipped.

If not get one equip and unequip it.
Might help with getting it unbugged.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Check if your char has night sight items equipped.

If not get one equip and unequip it.
Might help with getting it unbugged.
No, the char had no night sight equipped.
First I tried to put a ring and remove it. Then I went into the sea and the first server line became dark. I came home (and had made clear), and I put and removed the ring and returned to the sea. Now it seems that all is well:)
The only odd thing is that the ship, a Tokuno boat purple, brown has become!
I recolored and yet it seems that everything is ok.
We hope to have resolved.
Babble thanks you very much :)


Actually i experienced the same yesterday on a boat.
It fixed itself after some time. Strange thing was that it was darker and nightsight spell did not work. I had also no nightsight items equipped and was a human char.

Lighting levels though have been broken since ML, and luckily it is more an annoying bug than a game breaking one.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had light problems on several characters, mounting and dismounting seems to fix it.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had light problems on several characters, mounting and dismounting seems to fix it.
Thanks Petra buggy but the char is a fisherman. Obviously mount and dismount contiue (just because for fish must be walking), but it did not do anything. And today, for once, I found myself in a dark dungeon. though not darkness, fortunately. But it does not go well at all :(
I thought I solved it by equipping a night sight item but it is not so .....