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[Discussion] Bugged Cards? Or Something Else?


Stratics Veteran
Can someone tell me what this is. I have had it for many years. Is it just a bugged deck of cards or something. I always held onto it because it was odd and I figured it was unique. 1 Item 255 stones and only being that card you see in the bag. Anyway...just interested. Thank you for your help.


Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is an old bugged but rare item.

The common version are either lanterns or busts stuck in crates or backpacks. What you have here is a rarer form of the rare.

As of price check, I am unsure.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
agree with alexander. it would be much more desireable if it was stuck in a box because they could be chopped. backpacks can not be chopped, so there is no way to get the cards out. as for pricecheck, its hard to say. i had a hard time selling cards stuck in a box (more desireable) and ended up letting them go for 50m if that helps any. that being said, i feel the cards stuck in box were worth around 100m. but hard to find a buyer. my personal opinion is this item is worth around 50m in backpack form but will be hard to sell.
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Stratics Veteran
Any idea if I can add items to the bag? And if so would that decrease the value? I was thinking about locking it down with my displayed items and putting a book in the bag to describe what it is. Maybe just locking the book down next to it would be a better idea. Any advice here? Thanks.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Yes, you can put other stuff in there - it started out as a normal backpack, and other than the static item getting stuck in there, it still is a normal backpack.