Hi not sure how to report this but thought id give evryone a heads up about it before it unfortunatly happens to anyone.
When the chest of airlooms go into your bank automatically as you dont have enough room in your pack be carefull when you go to the bank as its showing i have 129 items in my bank but as i dont have the 25% extra storage when i move one of them in my bank to get at stuff hidden underneth it the chest dropped to the floor and i got the mesage i dont have enough room for it in my bank.
Lukely there was no one about but thought id let people know before someone looses something important by trying to move it in there bank when its overloaded and not notice it drop to the floor.
When the chest of airlooms go into your bank automatically as you dont have enough room in your pack be carefull when you go to the bank as its showing i have 129 items in my bank but as i dont have the 25% extra storage when i move one of them in my bank to get at stuff hidden underneth it the chest dropped to the floor and i got the mesage i dont have enough room for it in my bank.
Lukely there was no one about but thought id let people know before someone looses something important by trying to move it in there bank when its overloaded and not notice it drop to the floor.