I've been playing on 2 shards. Catskills and Europa. I have the same char, a mage bard with cartography and lockpicking ( in 2 soulstones).
I put lockpicking on a soulstone, decode some maps and then drop cartography and raise lockping ( by soulstone).
On Catskills is all ok and i go to the treasures, on Europa when i change the skills ( drop cartography and raise lockpicking) the maps are not decoded!!
I must have both the skills to use the maps.
There's some bug on Europa??
I put lockpicking on a soulstone, decode some maps and then drop cartography and raise lockping ( by soulstone).
On Catskills is all ok and i go to the treasures, on Europa when i change the skills ( drop cartography and raise lockpicking) the maps are not decoded!!
I must have both the skills to use the maps.
There's some bug on Europa??