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*BUG REPORT* Plant Gumps & Potions


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a weird one. I put bottled potions and jugs of water in my pack to tend plants, then just run through them one by one. I'm used to the poison potions not showing from kegs, which is why I started using bottles in the first place, but this morning, there were a number of potions that wouldn't work from bottles - I got the 'pouring potions' noise, but no empty bottles in pack and it didn't show on the gump. So, I switched the bottles for kegs, which seemed to work ok, although my poor chars were groaning under the weight. However, I couldn't stack the bottles back in the original piles. So I logged my alchemist, who makes all my potions, and she couldn't either. So I taste ID'd em. Still wouldn't stack. Finally managed to get them into kegs; it seems as if entire stacks of potions are bugged. I'll try putting them in kegs and taking them out again, but that's going to be a PITA if it's the only way to sort it out.

Also, the growths on my plants seem to be jumping about. I tend on a daily basis, up to 100 plants per char. I stack them in the bottom corner of a pack and move them from bottom corner to bottom corner as I tend them, so I can keep track. Plants that were fine yesterday today look as if they haven't been tended for two days. Others haven't grown at all.

Anyone else running into problems like this?


Wow ! That's alot of plants! I've just did my morning tending & all is well on Atlantic - but a differing factor = they are locked down oN floor - the potions emptied and set empty bottle in backpack and plants have been tended daily and have grown as anticipated over the past 11+ days. I'm on Atlantic. Although Sinful Candie reported a problem with growing but her issue was with the ones on the floor (a couple threads below).

When I hear that folks plants are acting as though no tending was performed the day prior I always wonder if there's :pint: involved - lol. Just make sure they're Vibrant/Healthy. 2 shots of greater heal and 2 shots of greater strength has been a consistent fix here if they do happen to get below healthy. Also double check you're using the 'greater' potions ..... & double check pouch weight & item tolerance.

Hoping you get fixed up - sounds like a nightmare with 100's distributed on various characters :eek: What shard are you on?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm on Europa, and I always grow my plants like that. I do the orange petals for our guild, and have had them on a variety of vendors over the last couple of years too, so always need plenty to hand. Will now be extending my system to coloured plants too, since a guildie managed to pick up over 1k of plants for us at an IDOC, most of which had been stored in chests but not set to deco, nor had they had the seeds harvested. So, once this batch of oranges is done, I'm going to start with 100 purple seeds and move up from there. I LOVE seed stacking :)

I've been chucking str and heal on them, so they should be ok, but I'm a little peturbed that my nice easy system now seems to be screwing up big time. I keep a small box in the stable next to the water trough and have followed the same routine most mornings for the last 2yrs - put bottles and a jug in pack, tend plants, put bottles back in box. I've left a few stacks on the two chars I have tending just now, but that really shouldn't be a problem; they came from the stacks that are in the box in the first place, so should go back easy enough. And no, alcohol was not involved; not only do I rarely drink, I definitely don't drink first thing in the morning!

PS. Definitely the right sort of potions; my alchemist makes them specially in runs of 3-5k, some for the guild hunting boxes, some for my plant tending box.


I'm on Europa, .... And no, alcohol was not involved; not only do I rarely drink, I definitely don't drink first thing in the morning!
:) I just got to thinking as I was slaying some earth eles just now for some fd ... what dirt are you using? ...... I hear there's fertile dirt that can be purchased &/or gathered from the new land but I've not yet done that ... wondering if there's a bug with some dirt possibility... Have you used any new fertile dirt???


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:) I just got to thinking as I was slaying some earth eles just now for some fd ... what dirt are you using? ...... I hear there's fertile dirt that can be purchased &/or gathered from the new land but I've not yet done that ... wondering if there's a bug with some dirt possibility... Have you used any new fertile dirt???

Nope, plain old famers field stuff. I used fertile when I first started, but gave up when I started doing such large batches, I gave up, cos I like to play as well as gather ingame :)


The potions thing is something I've dealt with for quite a while, that and the no-stacking bug. I have no idea what causes it, but it's ANNOYING. Moving the potions seems to fix the non-pouring problem, but the non-stacking can't be fixed. I just end up using them and hoping the next stack will stack properly!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
very same thing happens to me, but not consistently and I am never able to determine what triggers it

sometimes putting the bottles on lockdown for a day or two fixes it, sometimes dumping them into an empty keg does it, sometimes I just toss the darn things out

my gardener also has the 'always 100 stone' kegs..... but again, only sometimes

and people think pvp is hard :wall:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have the GC and GP in keg form on my gardner. Those work fine.

I have bottles of G str that I also carry. When I click the gump I will hear the pouring noise but no GS goes on the plant.

I drop my water pitcher and then click water, I choose the GS bottle and it gets on the plant. After doing that, I can then click the GS from the gump.

Sounds like a bottle issue.