So a heads up to you all do not have pets out when placeing houses and be carefull cause the pet bug isnt fixed no matter what they say in patch notes .
Can you provide some more details about this occurrence? Specifically the following questions:
1) Were you placing or demolishing the house when the pet disappeared?
2) Where was the pet in relation to the house? Was it inside the house that you demolished? Was it on the plot you were trying to place onto?
3) If you were placing a house was it a custom house or a classic house?
4) Approximately where did this take place (Facet and sextant cords would be ideal)?
4) Did you receive any specific messaging or did the pet simply disappear?
5) Did you notice whether your controlled pet number dropped to 0 immediately after the pet disappeared?
6) Had you and/or your pet been in combat recently?
7) Any other information that you can think of that might seem pertinent?