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[BUG] Items vanishing


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Hi all,

I just had my spellbook go poof on Drachenfels a few minutes ago.
I was recalling from place to place checking for rares, then stopped by the tailor to get a BOD and... couldn't recall back home: my spellbook had vanished.

I left the game, logged back in, no way, my spellbook is gone for good.

I then noticed at least one item (locked down for over a week) had vanished in my house too.

Fun times ahead...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am seeing strange things also. The temple next to my house on marble isle has a brown square spot. When you touch it says rug. Can't imagine they would put a rug on the roof so has to be a bug. it really looks like a square brown spot not a rug. Another house I have had pillows on a divan..one set just disappeared.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I am glad you said something about this because I thought I was going crazy. I've had a few items disappear and thought I misplaced them and it has been driving me crazy.


I've had the same thing but mine haven't disappeared...just turned invisible.

I jumped off my ehty horse and it vanished, I scanned through my backpack and as i moused over a blank spot the name appeared but no graphic. And the same thing happened to some arms i was repairing, I put them back in a barrel after fixing and they too turned invisible.

Not saying yours haven't actually gone, just a thought


I had the same issue several times over the past few days, the remedy for me is placing items I can see onto the grid where the item was.. It's a real pain when trying to redress after a death. Not saying this is the same issue but it sounds very much alike. I hope your book isn't gone :p


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I know of the issue that certain items (in my case leather arms and leather gloves) keep going invisible when being dragged to/from my paperdoll in the Enhanced Client. You can see the description when you move your mouse over, but not the item. Usually, shutting down the client and restarting (NOT logging off and back on) solves the issue for a short amount of time.

I am getting used to this...

And I don't give up hopes that the will fix THE LONG LIST OF BUGS some day.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
This is a vanishing problem, not invisibility problem :)

I switched to list view and the item is not there. Since I did nothing but casting recall, it has to be a bug, I didn't even touch my inventory.

And the vanished glassblowing flask from my house is just that too, plain vanishing, unfortunately.


Saturday I stopped at the bank to unload gold. I dragged and dropped the gold pile as ususal onto a backpack inside the bank box. Suddely *poof* - gone! Cold sweat began to run down my face because I had all bank cheques inside this bag too. I pressed the Object Handle key (contr.+shift) to see if I accidentally dropped it on the ground - nothing. Re-login - nothing. Then I logged into the Classic Client and there it was again. Lucky me!

I tried to reproduce this invis bug several times (for evaluation and bug report) but couldn't figure out yet the trigger.

Noobish Noob

If I had to guess I would say that there is some sort of lag as the item is moved from your pack. I have this happen often, and sometimes the item simply gets locked into place and I can't move it at all. The client thinks I am "Dragging Something" but the item has clearly fallen back into my pack or chest and then you can't pick anything up....you can't trade, you can't bank. You have to log out and back in again to clear it. I had this happen with one of my main weapons while I dressed real quickly near a mob and I couldn't arm my warfork. It was interesting to say the least.

Prince Caspian

Nothing puts a UOer into panic mode quicker than to see a valued item go missing in the pack. The first reflex is to think bug.

However, sometimes the item will reappear if you log in and log out. It's also a good idea to always keep a 2d client install, as sometimes logging into that will reveal where the item went.

Yesterday I had a real hair-raiser. My Darkened Sky apparently disappeared when I unequipped it. Somehow it got into my Unravel bag. Now THAT could have turned real ugly real fast...


I had a Brightsight Lens disappear from my pack as well. I thought I was imagining things... now I'm not so sure.


Seasoned Veteran
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I logged in with the 2D client, my spellbook is not there.

I'm talking about a spellbook here, you know, a bonded thing, not that kind of stuff you move around all the time.

I'm GM scribe, I couldn't care less, but it scares me nonetheless.
Items are going into warpspace, there's no other explanation about how my speelbook could vanish between 2 recalls without me even opening my inventory.


Just had a bag full of items disappear in house only her and I are accessed it, we scanned and searched that house clean, still missing, I really hope that this is just temporary and the items will return. We had quite a few of the higher end arties and a couple EM items for these last couple of events in that bag.

Salya Sin

I've recently had items disappear... but there is hope. After a couple of days.. I logged on as normal.. and there was the missing item. Had it with a bank check... arms... and a couple of odds and ends. Not sure what is happening but all my items did return after a couple of days. I hope yours do as well!