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[BUG] Final puzzle room (colored floor)


Nastia Cross

If you fail in the 3rd puzzle room with the colored floor, you get the message that you've failed but you're not kicked back to the beginning. I was stuck in that room three times and had to recall to the entrance of the Underworld.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have added teleporters to all the rooms in the color maze so if you get stuck you can just exit to the entrance of the maze. That will be in an upcoming publish.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's another bug with the doors, my guildies n I went to do it last night, I did just fine, but some others couldnt go through the next level doors after completing the puzzle, said nothing happens when they try to open both doors, just this morning, my hubby was doing it and I was watching him just when he finished the 3rd room puzzle, went to click the door to claim reward and it said he has already done the quest within 24hrs n couldnt go through the door to claim his prize... so he just sat in the 3rd room till the gem timer was up n got kicked out...without a prize. :(

reported the bug already, dono if u guys in ur shard encounter this too.. :/


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
another bug - finished the third room, ran through the door. ended up in the 3x1 area to the right but could not go forward to reward box or back to colored chamber