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[Fishing] Bug after publish 69?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 108,5 of fishing. Now, after publish 69 many quests are for lobsters and crabs.
And it's ok.
But this evening i was fishing with the traps for about 2 hours and all that i've found was normal lobsters and normal crabs. Other these, about 20 between other crustaceans.
And fishing in the deep see i've found 1, i say ONE, see serpent.
There's something wrong :(

PS: I need alot of snow crabs, about 80. Someone wants to make a change to other types of fish? :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ivory, I have spend the last two days fishing since the new publish. I really have not seen ANY change in fishing. The crabs and lobsters seem to be the same, sometimes you catch what you need, most often you do not. Still get tons of plains compared to the ones for the quests. I still run into seaserpents quite often. It does seem that there can be more serpents depending on what area you are fishing in, often I see many around the serpent pillars.

As far as the changes they did make, I guess it is supposed to be easier to get powerscrolls now, I have gotten a couple of 105 scrolls but that has been it so far. I have been stuck for the most part trying to catch king crabs for my quests, I get one filled and then I get yet another order for king crabs. Month ago, I had orders for snowcrabs over and over and over, now they simply switched me over to king crabs instead.

They said they had fixed the problem with the fish monger reputation, but I have not done multiple quests again yet to test this. A friend of mine told me that she did not think it WAS fixed. I'm just not willing to waste my time to test it yet.

Good luck on your crabbing and fishing. I often do much of mine in Papua and sometimes seem to have a little better luck there.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good luck on your crabbing and fishing. I often do much of mine in Papua and sometimes seem to have a little better luck there.
I'll try to Papua, hoping for better :)
For the rest because obviously I have not had any luck myself :(