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Britannia School of Arts and Sciences



I come once again asking the citizens of Chesapeake to rise to the betterment of our community. My last request garnered little support. But I am hopeful none the less this one may be well received. I cannot take credit for this idea. It is wholely stolen from this thread.

Are there any here that would support starting the same sort of school here on Chesapeake? In addition to tutors I would also like to ask for benefactors to step up to help with costs in aiding the pupils.


On the surface the idea is very interesting. At first glance I am willing to at least contribute gold if we are helping (financially) true UO Newcomers. How do you intend to validate a newcomer? Are you planning on using Lycaeum as well? As for mentoring / lecturing / Educating for all comers.... that sounds great! This takes on some of the tasks that guilds performed long ago. I look forward to seeing further posts. Thank you for the post and resulting opportunity. Good luck to us all in this endeavor.


Anyone here feel qualified to teach a good basic understanding of any of those topics in a one hour class? Willing to devote a specific hour each week that you have pupils?

Lord Havok

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Elydir,

It is a interesting idea, but are there really that many new players? It has been my experience that most are returning vets or a vet using a temporary account.

Have you considered approaching a large guild or player-run city and see if they would have a interest in either helping tutor, or setting up a actual school?

SilverVale and Guardians Gate (I know GG used to have a arming station for new players), are both fairly close to Britian, and Glydenfield as well. PaxOku has easy access via the moongate and Mayor Gareth has shown a willingness in the past to allow the use of a city building for different causes.

I like the idea, and I commend you for your efforts to improve the community.

Good Luck!


Lord Havoc, Guardians Gate still has an arming station. It has moved down the road a little bit, but is quite a bit larger than it used to be.
I believe you are right in saying it is mostly returning vets, but we do get the occasional new person.



I come once again asking the citizens of Chesapeake to rise to the betterment of our community. My last request garnered little support. But I am hopeful none the less this one may be well received. I cannot take credit for this idea. It is wholely stolen from this thread.

Are there any here that would support starting the same sort of school here on Chesapeake? In addition to tutors I would also like to ask for benefactors to step up to help with costs in aiding the pupils.

[/ QUOTE ]

Elydir, Come to Guardians Gate sometime, lets have a chat and maybe we can work out something.


Spent the last 30 minutes running around GG area and didn't see anyone except a few gypsies, brigands, barkeeps, and a vendor labeled "Leaving UO Sale". Looks like I'm just wasting my time trying to do anything for this shard. I'm beginning to think some of the UHallers are right and EA needs to merge some shards.

Honestly it looks like all that's left on Chessie are people that have everything they need and they are just sitting around collecting whatever collectible comes along and wondering which of their 3 to 5 accounts (often inherited from guildies that left) they can find room to store the junk on.

This game has so much potential but everyone sits around waiting for EA to make their fun for them. This is like the 5th project in the last 2 1/2 years I've tried to headup and participation just doesn't exist. Its probably not just Chessie. I have a feeling all the shards are experiencing this.


Hail Friend! Despair? Please I hope you don't lose heart as the holidays are good times and not so good times to flesh out projects. Many potential contributors are at best "in and out" now with the Seasonal Festivities
This idea is worth a good sounding. I thank you for bringing it to the floor.


Much agreed, Jack. All my projects are on hold at this point as well, due to so many people on Holiday. I believe that this is a grand idea, certainly worth review and consideration. Nor can it be expected that one can run around a town for a few minutes and intantly find activity. Hardly ever do I go through Guardian's Gate and not see RBG and UTB honing their skills.

There are also many people on Chessy (and other shards as well,) who dedicate themselves to aiding new players in New Haven. Even returning Vets can benefit from such training. It's near impossible to know everything about every class of character. I for one still know very little about Taming, Spellweaving, Chivalry, Lockpicking and many others. Even as a Vet, I look for others to aid me in the near future on details of accomplishment which I might otherwise overlook.

Thanks to everyone who keep these ideas flowing!


I'm not much for posting, but I usually get behind whatever community project is going on. Have been busy though, as most everyone else, with the holiday time and its rl committments.

I'm still plodding away at the zoo project, although the points decay so fast you wouldnt know it. hehe A little discouraging.

My suggestion would be to bring your ideas to community events, meetings etc to better reach the people you want to enlist. Paxlair has their weekly meeting Tuesday eve at 9 Eastern. USA alliance attends and hosts many community events as well. Not only might you find support in this way for your endeavors, but also others' projects might appeal to you.

Stratics forums are wonderful tools but also its easy to read about something, think hmm nice idea and then it sometimes stops there. Additionally, not everyone reads them. Kudos to you for your efforts, and I dont think everyone is completely jaded; at least I hope not, or why bother. *smiles*

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Well I must say Elydir we are working on the same thing with RP classes and a school in PaxOku. I must say that I am impressed with what you have started and hope that you continue to do so and build ontop of it.

Also dont forget if you havnt played Ultima Online in the last what? year or two years your not gunna have one clue. Think about if you played in say... the end of 1999 and your returning now in the begining of 2008? hehe you are new *Smiles*

Elydir I have room ontop of the Blue Light Tavern that could fit two classrooms and you are also welcome to any open building in PaxOku to open your idea. We had much support in our last City Council Meeting in PaxOku city for Rp classes, I see much involvement from us to help you and bring your ideas to life and help you create what you want to.

(Mayor Of PaxOku)

Ps. The arming station is sooo GREAT! I must say I love the layout and im SOO glade it got moved to a larger building.


I met one of my best friends in-game when she thought I was a noob (I didn't say I was) and she helped me taking me around on adventures. We hung out for years
So yes this is a good idea.



Spent the last 30 minutes running around GG area and didn't see anyone except a few gypsies, brigands, barkeeps, and a vendor labeled "Leaving UO Sale". Looks like I'm just wasting my time trying to do anything for this shard. I'm beginning to think some of the UHallers are right and EA needs to merge some shards.

Honestly it looks like all that's left on Chessie are people that have everything they need and they are just sitting around collecting whatever collectible comes along and wondering which of their 3 to 5 accounts (often inherited from guildies that left) they can find room to store the junk on.

This game has so much potential but everyone sits around waiting for EA to make their fun for them. This is like the 5th project in the last 2 1/2 years I've tried to headup and participation just doesn't exist. Its probably not just Chessie. I have a feeling all the shards are experiencing this.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not sure when you walked through the city, but I just logged on and saw three different residents. Keep in mind that there will not always be someone in the city and if you go during the day, chances are less that you will see folks. Also, RBG is a active guild and we don't always stay put in town and at any given time there can upwards of 30+ folks on at a time in our guild. Granted the population is not what it used to be, but there are still folks around.

Now with regards to your timing. First you ask that folks help you during the Magencia invasion. both typical player and roleplayer were quit busy during this time as the roleplayers were defending magincia and the others were looting it. Secondly, you ask for help during the high holidays. I for one have not played as much as I normally do. between family functions, work functions, shopping, celebrating Christmas and New Year upon us, people are not on now.

When I invited you to GG, I expected you would send a message saying when you would be on and if we could meet then. I understand your frustration and my offer to discuss your ideas still stand. I think if you joined or participated in the existing communities you would find it a lot easier to accomplish your goals.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail and well met all. Just catching this post I'm behind a bit however inside Guardians Gate located along the northern borders is the Hall of Mystic Arts. This location would be quite suitable if you are in need of a site for the school. Currently there are classrooms set up for Alchemy, Spell casting, a complete rooftop for arcane circles along with the bottom floor currently utilized as a horticulture area. Have a lil deeper look in the city if you will, I'd be happy to show you around as well. ICQ 99656289


You should try to start a school you're well versed in, such as thievery.

imported_Lady Kylana

I don't personally have time I can set aside for teaching (and I don't know much about anything to teach anyway) but the idea sounds so cool! And I think what someone said about using the Lycaeum as classrooms would be just gorgeous...I'd love to see Moonglow get used for something again!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I do hate to see this thread going unused.

PaxOku has many buildings that can house certain classrooms.

PaxOku seems to be geting some steam going in its machine. We have many people passing in the city at times. We also opened two new vendor malls. We Do have a OkuC Smith/Tailor/Tinker/Bowyer/Scribe etc etc building. PaxOku would love to host such classes for crafting.

I must say between Myself, Charles, Kristen, Neira and Cat we can accomplish anything in the field. Please let us know.

PaxOku City will also support you with funds in anything you may need. We also are GREAT for advertisement.

My ICQ is 267944224



I received numerous offers of building locations in which to hold the classes. I received some offers of funding. What I did not receive were offers from people willing to instruct.

I know there are some people on this shard that actually like to help others. I'm sure alot go out of their way to do so within their busy schedules. However, this project cannot go forward without instructors. I have the knowledge to train characters in almost every skill at the fastest rates possible, but I cannot teach every class at once. The lack of interest of potential instructors led me to shelve it. I have no problem with picking up the gauntlet again and attempting to go forward. To do so however I must decide on 1 or 2 classes to begin.

These boards are the only means we have to reach the most people either directly or indirectly. If there is a desire by any readers here to learn a skill or you know of someone new that could use a class then please speak up! If there is some agreement on a needed class I will be happy to launch it and do what I can to promote/advertise it.

Lord Havok

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Elydir,

I had a few reservations about your proposed project. I think that if players, new or old, are able to find this forum they are also capable of finding the professions forum and seeking the answers to their questions there, while lurking.

Yes, I know much of the data is out-dated, but they most likely do not know that. I also wonder how you are going to gather these students, for lack of a better word, and instructors and mantain communication, class schedules, etc...

I bring this up since the alliance I am in has members in Germany, Brazil, and I myself am a hour behind Chessy, it took a little work getting everyone on the same page, especially when some areas don't have DST, and that is with knowing one another and having various forms of contact.

Now I don't bring this up to shoot down your idea, but let me make a suggestion. You mentioned "These boards are the only means we have to reach the most people either directly or indirectly."

What I suggest is you make a forum on uoforums.com (this is no slight to stratics, unfortunately stratics does not offer individual forums, uoforums does). You can make it a stand alone forum or maybe you could see if one of the existing forums, such as the PaxOku forum would be interested in hosting your school.

Why start a forum? It gives you a Place.....You can put your plan in black &amp; white for people to come and see. Books can be dropped across the realm with the forum address. You can make posts with polls to see what classes people would be interested in taking and, or instructing. You can list class dates &amp; times. You can post here on Stratics and link it to your forum. People may often see a post and think "good idea" and then move on, but if you have a focal point that interested parties can go to and see your ideas, schedules, etc...it may be easier for them to figure out how they can assist.

No slight is intended (I should add that as a disclaimer to my siggy), I am just trying to offer what I hope is good advice.....


Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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OkuC will host a crafters class. Any certain day you wish for us to do this?