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    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

(Player Event) Britain Tree IS NOW STARRED.


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Mylene, Governor of Britain, will be spearheading the Britain tree, currently active. She, and her minions (Andy, Ray Lovelock, and others) will be starting the tree Friday once they are active on the shard.

Others' input will be appreciated, though it's quite possible her crew might be able to start it solo, as they've completed over 400 LBODs in preparation for this.


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We have Tree-sign!!!! And I have soloed a tree (and only took the worst 3/4 of my saved LBODs). Screenshot 2023-12-08 17.03.46.png Screenshot 2023-12-08 17.17.18.png Screenshot 2023-12-08 17.28.24.png Screenshot 2023-12-08 17.42.22.png Screenshot 2023-12-08 18.08.29.png


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Nice job Basara! That is a fantastic accomplishment. I had not seen anyone proposing starring a tree yet and figured we'd sort it out this weekend. I also have a bunch of filled LBoDs saved up but not enough to star a tree solo. Also can fill a few more with the right trades. =^)


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Probably the best ones to do are either the current one (New Mag, runs through Saturday night), or the one for next weekend (Trinsic?).

I'm currently at 113 LBODs with 7 more needing 1 BOD.


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Do you have a rough bank points count for your completed LBoDs? Looking at my spreadsheet, I'm a little shy of 7k bank points. Its 25k bank points to star a tree. Getting harder to find LBoDs to fill as I am always missing one or two pieces. I can try to fill in some of yours if you are around this weekend. Have to make a judgement call based on total points.