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(Player Event) Britain Jousting Competition PvP Event - July 12th at 9 pm EST

Armand de Romanus

Stratics Veteran
Britain Jousting Competition PvP Event - July 12th at 9 pm eastern
This competition is only available to those characters that display their Citizenship titles for the city of Britain. It will follow all the same rules, exactly as the Champion of Britannia Jousting tourney. Which are:

The rules are as follows; - Governors will be asked to select a single champion only.
- Handcrafted plate armor of GM quality will be hand crafted.
- All lances to be hand crafted. These will be imbued with UBWS
- There is to be No spellcasting. No Divine Fury, or Evasion etc. before a tilt. This is to be based on skill.
- Use a real horse (Ie: not an ethy) is a must.
- There is to be no jewelry, or arties of any kind.
- single round eliminations prior to Finals.
- Finals will be a best of three.

*Thanks to Eladern Mallorn @ ICQ - 693916775 who has supplied us with suits for the competition.

The winner will be sent over to the championships and wins the title of "Joust Champion of Britain". Dice rolls will determine your pair ups, for example dice roll 1 and dice roll 2 will go first... winner of that goes against dice roll 3... etc. etc.