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Brit bank re-design

  • Thread starter Duke X. Winter
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Duke X. Winter

To whomever is doing the re-design, thank you! It looks wonderful. I applaud Red Riding Hood for submitting a design, but this design is a welcome change.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Mesanna is there now setting the bank up with the design. :) I had a very nice little chat.

Things are looking great. Be sure to swing by and say thanks!!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes this design is much better , Thanx to Red Riding Hood for resubmitting the design after talking with some ppl. He spend a few days on the redesign and what a great job. Thx again for taking the time of doing this. Let bring the population back to Britain. Pass the word.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They should "close" Luna for maintenance or something and force everyone to revisit Brit. He is doing a great job on thedesign... I need those white chess pieces on the roof....


dont like the colors... should have kept it simple. im stayin in luna.


Thankyou Everyone For the Wonderful Compliments on the New Britain Bank! Please Be sure to Thank Red Riding Hood, Mesanna, and Tyeelor as well at future events or when u see them in game on the work that was put into designing it.

Looking forward to working with everyone on the Pacific Shard!
Just give me a couple days to clean the pie out of my ears! :eek:)



Thankyou Everyone For the Wonderful Compliments on the New Britain Bank! Please Be sure to Thank Red Riding Hood, Mesanna, and Tyeelor as well at future events or when u see them in game on the work that was put into designing it.

Looking forward to working with everyone on the Pacific Shard!
Just give me a couple days to clean the pie out of my ears! :eek:)

Don't bother...we'll just replace the pie :)

I love the new bank design. It's much more pleasant to look at than Luna.