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EM Event Bridge over Troubled Waters 3/8/2014 @ 7 PM PST


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor

Bridges to the east, bridges to the west, every direction the Bridge Trolls looked
was literal Bridge Troll heaven! "Plenty of hummie bones to be chewed here as
they tried to cross these bridges", they thought. (Bridge Trolls love nothing better
than to scare and kill a hummie then sit under their bridge and chew their bones).
The Bridge Troll Scouts that had been sent out, had found the perfect spot for
all the Bridge Trolls to move too. They had come out of hibernation for the returning
spring, and found they were cramped and hungry from the recent births of all
the new Bridge Trolls during the winter months. New bridges had to be found!
No matter that the scouts had been slain, they had left their "death stench", much as
a bee, or wasp does, so others could find this perfect heaven for the Bridge Trolls.
Quickly placing their pets, the Gruff Goats to hold their bridges, they rushed as
fast as Trolls can rush, back to their cramped and dank bridges deep in the woods.
The Bridge Trolls grunted,snorted and thumped their chests. A series of
strange grunts could be heard far into the day as they alerted others to gather
so they could make a move to take over the bridges in this human town of Vesper.
Just let those silly hummies try and stop them! It would just mean more bones
to chew!

Event: Bridge over Troubled Waters

Date: 3/8/14

Time: 7pm pst

Meet : Grindylow at West Brit Bank