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Breaking party in roof?


Seasoned Veteran
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I started hosting a lot of large group roof runs so my goal is to break party on the last boss and hope everyone gets looting rights.

When i broke the party at 50 percent on the last boss, some folks didn’t get looting rights. There is certainly factors like damage and healing that come into play but ignoring that, is there a proper time to break party?

1) break party before last boss spawns?
2) break party at 50% of last boss hp?
3) break party at 10% of last boss hp?

Appreciate it if you could explain the mechanic and reason why.



Crazed Zealot
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We always breaks the party before the last boss, but even when we forget and break it near death there is no impact on looting rights. Our team is all combatants so I’ve never heard of someone not getting looting rights.

Kylie Kinslayer

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For me it depends....

if I am in a party with people I am taking along and don't know, I break party after entering. I do this so i don't forget to drop it later.

if I know them I keep party going until last boss spawns then I drop. I do this because it is an 'every man for themselves' mentality when it comes to loot and drops.

if I am doing it solo with my 2 other accounts I drop it when boss is at quarter life. I do this in order to ensure 3 chances at drops as well as looting rights.


Seasoned Veteran
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You should break before boss gets to 30%. Weavers will end it quick.
this thought definitely came into mind. If loot rights get determined after i dropped party at 50 percent and weavers kill it too fast for other people to get enough damage in, then maybe thats why two people didnt get credit.

Next time i will try dropping party before boss drops from the platform.

Kylie Kinslayer

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I always thought the loot rights were shared with the party before it drops but that seems to not be the case with people you have been taking not getting any rights. I would drop as soon as last boss pops as well.

Kylie Kinslayer

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You dont need to break party to get drops, I dont drop party when doing it with 4 accounts and I get around 100 items in the corpse.
Ever had all chars get a drop on same death while in party?


UO Forum Moderator
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If everyone there is just there for drops, there's no reason to ever break party.

Only if two or more people want to loot the corpse, that's the only reason to break the party.

Talk it over with the participants.

Another option for those parties wanting to loot the boss - Designate one person (preferably, someone that brought a trained giant beetle) to be the only person to loot the corpse, and have them dry-loot it (get it all, regardless of value), and put the stuff in a pack/bag. Have the persons interested in the corpse items meet somewhere, dice for order, then choose one item at a time from the loot (with the rest going to the trash, or to someone to unravel).


Crazed Zealot
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Party has nothing to do with whether or not one earns looting rights, it's the individuals taking, healing or dealing damage.

for example a Bard running peacemaking songs and doing nothing else will likely not earn looting rights, they will be able to open the corpse of the boss Only if they remain in party with someone who has earned looting rights, once party is dropped even after the boss dies & player(s) without rights have the corpse open, players without looting rights won't be able to reopen the corpse until the public loot phase.

Not earning looting rights doesn't disqualify you from a pack-drop in shadowguard, you just won't get any corpse loot of your own.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Has anyone compared looting the final boss on the roof (or any champ etc) in a party versus out of a party (using multiple accounts)?

I don't have solid evidence as I haven't spent the time to test multiple rounds of the roof in a party vs out but I feel like more loot is generated (total) when there isn't a party. I've done the roof a few times with other people (just 2-3) and I feel like the amount of loot I got there was about the same amount that I get when I bring both accounts in and keep my bard & samp in a party (maybe a 10 pieces less).

My thought is that when I'm partied my guys (combined) might get 50 pieces of loot and when I've gone with just one account helping others I might get 40 (which I assume everyone else gets ballpark); so if I were to go alone with both account unpartied then I'd get 40+40=80 pieces rather than 50. Anyone else have any experience or data on this?

The only proof I have of this at the moment is from doing the Niera champ during the ToD event where multiple people would hit the champ (let's say 3-4) and I'd get a bit less total loot than if I had solo'ed it but when I checked the corpse after it was public, there was a ton of loot on it (way more than I've ever seen on her solo). I'm fairly confident that this would at least be better without a party but wondering if that just applies to most higher end content like the roof.

chester rockwell

Lore Keeper
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When I solo stuff, I drop my bard buffs/break party well after it is completely red-lined and right before death. I've never ever seen the point of dropping the party and not getting buffs with 30%, 50%, or any big amount left. If you aren't getting rights, you arent healing your buddies or doing enough damage. Fix your template choice or template.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone compared looting the final boss on the roof (or any champ etc) in a party versus out of a party (using multiple accounts)?

I don't have solid evidence as I haven't spent the time to test multiple rounds of the roof in a party vs out but I feel like more loot is generated (total) when there isn't a party. I've done the roof a few times with other people (just 2-3) and I feel like the amount of loot I got there was about the same amount that I get when I bring both accounts in and keep my bard & samp in a party (maybe a 10 pieces less).

My thought is that when I'm partied my guys (combined) might get 50 pieces of loot and when I've gone with just one account helping others I might get 40 (which I assume everyone else gets ballpark); so if I were to go alone with both account unpartied then I'd get 40+40=80 pieces rather than 50. Anyone else have any experience or data on this?

The only proof I have of this at the moment is from doing the Niera champ during the ToD event where multiple people would hit the champ (let's say 3-4) and I'd get a bit less total loot than if I had solo'ed it but when I checked the corpse after it was public, there was a ton of loot on it (way more than I've ever seen on her solo). I'm fairly confident that this would at least be better without a party but wondering if that just applies to most higher end content like the roof.
I see the opposite. More items when there are more players doing the encounter when the corpse goes public.

As long as you unparty before boss dies you get the same total drops. whether in a party or not. I'm basing this on all perless and corguls. If you stay partied, your group is like one player for number of items on the corpse.