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[Breaking News] Royal Britannian Guard Butchers Magincian Citizens


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Royal Britannian Guard Butchers Magincian Citizens
The Inquisitor

We have received word that Joshua of the Royal Britannian Guard is responsible for the deaths of no less than 5 Magincian citizens.

The Britannian Armsman attempted to flee the scene and find refuge on the shores of Lenmir Anfinmotas in Ilshenar. But through the combined efforts of Britannia - and the Magincian Parliment - he was captured and bound.

Dame Christianson, satisfied, led her militia back to Britain to report the incident to the Captain. (Who incidentally was missing at the time.) Guardsman Tias and Dante of Magincia remained behind to ...question the man.

The incident is being treated as a hate crime.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You TAG this as NEWS, but since when has "Joshua" been a Britainnian Guard and where is the proof and or evidence???

This looks more like rebel mischief and an attempt at "blame or distraction by murder most foul."

How did this "Joshua" slay all these "New Magincian's" under the Trammel Moon aka in Trammel?

Are the rebels "using and manipulating the Press," or have the rebels found a sympathetic ear ... and quill ... in a Scribe at the "Great Library of Straticos?"


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I don't even see such grisly scenes in Fel. Even when I am the cause of them.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I want....
I want.......
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

I want.... dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......


Let one of our lovely, handsome and dedicated EMs be on the Magincian side and the other on the Britannian side. No predetermined plan or outcome and let them have at it with every tool at their disposal. Heck, invite other EMs to participate too. Let each player decide which side they want to fight along with and just have some fun.

Since we know that there can only be one outcome lets have a bang up battle for fun. Maybe allow the Magincians to get a Town Banner or something at the end.

(I refuse to call them rebels as that is a nick that was given to them by those that currently hold all the cards in the deck.)

Just a thought.