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Brass Knuckles

Mark Trail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EA sent out real brass knuckles to journalists to advertise its game Godfather II. Then they got in trouble because the knuckles are illegal weapons in many states.

What could they send out for the UOSA release? A bottle of deadly poison?

UO's Old.

Lol, that's funny considering a role of quarters aren't illegal and cause just as much damage, maybe not as much but still gets the point across. But yep, they're illegal where I'm at too, as are switch blades.


Who checks for brass knuckles, really? I walk with a single-action blade and at least one other knife of some sort. The only reason I do is because I don't have the money for my gun yet.


Hardcore? Not really. I'd call it prepared. I just know my area of town isn't a place to walk around without some protection. I've yet to have to use the knives, but then again, I also tend to stay in groups at night.

Something about a group of Trads with hockey gear kinda throws rollers off.


Well actually, I've been banned twice already for saying what it exactly is. so I could say go look it up... but I really don't care enough and I don't think you will.

A Trad (or Trojan) is a Skinhead. The real Skinheads, mind you. Not those white trash Neo Nazi morons. We're the "Spirit of '69" skins.

Hmm... wonder if I'm getting in trouble for this again now, lol.

Well mods, if you are considering banning me again for a racist remark, please take note that he asked and I didn't say anything inappropriate.


White trash is typically the Hammerskins, CASH, or the Neo Nazis. We call them boneheads though since they aren't real Skin.

Of course, I guess some of us working class boys could be called white trash since we make under a certain pay grade and live in trailers. That's alright though. We understand that there are the hippies who like to just sit around on their computer and trash talk people for no reason and are basically out there just to hate people. I guess as long as I make someone happy with themselves, I'm doing a good job.