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[Selling] Bracelet 5 Stamina, 5 Swing Speed, 25 EP (clean) CLOSED


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
5stam 5ssi 25ep bracelet.png

Minimum bid 300m
Buyout 1.5b

Current bid 1b

End date 1/4 at 3:00PM Central Time. 10 minute rule applies.

Thank you
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a private bid via ICQ of 1 billion from a very reputable dealer. Due to this, I am setting the end date of this auction for 3 days from now. It is updated in the OP.

Thank you
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Stratics Veteran
I knew that kind of jewell goes this amount but prepare for critics having a private bider :)
Mine was a renowned account here and still got punched hard
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The bidder is very active on these boards. He bid via icq after i met him in game. It is a legit bid. And yeah im prepared for the naysayers. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Due to all the negative response I have received for my anonymous bidder, I am closing this auction and selling for that bid.

Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The bidder is very active on these boards. He bid via icq after i met him in game. It is a legit bid. And yeah im prepared for the naysayers. :)
i am truly not a hater but i cant help but respond to this post....i mean who am i? my opinion does not matter cuz i am not one of the special people who is "very active of these boards". it is total BS that you took the billion dollar offer for that braclet before the auction ended per "your" rules. idk who the person was, how reputable, how "legit" the bid was, or what the circumstance is but this a true reflection of how you prefer to cuduct business. you should truly be ashamed of yourself. you posted an auction, had an end date and had a buyout. but because it was convient for you to take the sale you did. pfft what a joke! i understand that it is your item to sell and do with what you please. maybe it was just a bad judgment call, maybe you were drunk or perhaps you are just a bad businessman or just maybe that extra 500 mil gold you possibly let get away but shuting down your auction early was not worth the time(?really?)....but the fact you even said in a post you were prepared for all naysayers....shows that you didnt have any consideration for anyone else but yourself. as if the person who wanted the braclet(for 1 billion) couldnt wait an extra few days or just pay you the buyout of 1.5. you could have at least saved face and said he offered you the buyout and just sold it to him for a billion(not that thats any better). but insted you chose to be combaive and decided to take on all negative respose bucuase no one is gonna tell me what to do with my said items. the worst part is i am probally gonna get slammed by people who are are active on the boards or buy people whos bids are considered "legit" because i had the gull to speak my mind...lol! i guess us little guys cant win for losing because just like the real world people who have power(or an item in this case) dont worry about how they use(sell) it. anyway congrats on your sale...i hope its worth the ever lasting blemish you left on your name and reputation. i just hope anyone who reads this post will learn a lesson of how business should "NOT" be conducted.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your opinion would matter if A) You placed a bid on this item, or B) Your comment wasn't a poor attempt at an attack on my character. Perhaps if you were a serious buyer you would not have tried to wait until the last minute to snipe a buy. I spoke with everyone who I knew about through these boards who I thought had the gold and the desire to purchase this item. One of them is the buyer, the others all thought I was lying about the bid. Since I believe I spoke with anyone whose opinion I am concerned about that would be effected by my closing of this auction, I made this judgement call. I am happy with my sale, and the only second guessing your rant causes me is wondering if I could have got a bit more. The ever lasting blemish you speak of is a joke. I do wish to have a good name for myself in this community, but the fact of the matter is if even the most nefarious character is selling an item you want, you are going to buy it. I sincerely apologize to anyone this might have affected outside of Igg. If anyone was honestly going to bid on this item, please let me know so I will not make the same mistake again.

Multi Dwagon

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was interested in this item aswell and talked to Deception about the icq-bidding, admitting to him that it does sound somewhat fake. Yet it s not fake and Deception has every right to do so. I myself am unbelieveable impatient and when in need of something - I would have done the same as him.

So no drama necessary...

Igg A Pie

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your opinion would matter if A) You placed a bid on this item, or B) Your comment wasn't a poor attempt at an attack on my character. Perhaps if you were a serious buyer you would not have tried to wait until the last minute to snipe a buy. I spoke with everyone who I knew about through these boards who I thought had the gold and the desire to purchase this item. One of them is the buyer, the others all thought I was lying about the bid. Since I believe I spoke with anyone whose opinion I am concerned about that would be effected by my closing of this auction, I made this judgement call. I am happy with my sale, and the only second guessing your rant causes me is wondering if I could have got a bit more. The ever lasting blemish you speak of is a joke. I do wish to have a good name for myself in this community, but the fact of the matter is if even the most nefarious character is selling an item you want, you are going to buy it. I sincerely apologize to anyone this might have affected outside of Igg. If anyone was honestly going to bid on this item, please let me know so I will not make the same mistake again.
i dont think the item is worth that much. just my humble opinion. however, thats not the point. the point is if i did want to bid 1) maybe...just maybe i couldnt because you decided to close the auction early. also, if you went through all the people who you thought had gold on these boards...why make the post? 2) it was a poor atempt to attack your character...at least in this isolated instance. i apoligize if it seeemed like i was trying to slam your name. after rereading the post it could have been worded differently. once again i apoligize...that was not my intent. i am just irritated by the conditions which i thought the auction was ended.
i am allowed to have my own opinion. you can try and justify this situation all you want the fact of the matter is it "was" a poor judgement call. i give you huge props for publicly apoligizing to everyone other than me on this forum and reopening the bid to anyone who is truly intrested. i just felt as it was unfair how the whole thing was going down. you should be happy with your sale...i really mean that. it is a very large sum of gold....maybe more than most will see in their UO carrer. look i am not in this board war with you. i dont know you. you may have a great rep and be very respected among high end and newer buyers alike. i just felt that the combative stance you took was unecessary.
but the fact of the matter is that you are full soooo full of yourself. you are not better than the masses that surf, bid, and buy on this forum. you only solidify my opinion by making statements like, "I spoke with everyone who I knew about through these boards who I thought had the gold and the desire to purchase this item". thats because if you are a nobody or dont have the gold your opinion does not matter to Deception. and "I sincerely apologize to anyone this might have affected outside of Igg. If anyone was honestly going to bid on this item, please let me know so I will not make the same mistake again." thats becasue igg is the only one who will publicaly call you out on your poor judgment of you handled the situation and i hope i can save face by making it seem like i care about everyone else by reopening the auction. idk about your opinion of me just like you dont care about my about you. what would be really nice is if a really high end rares collector, well respected pvper, or better yet...a person whos opinon did matter to you posted here and put you in your place by telling you your behavior is unacceptable and that you are out of line. i have wasted enough time bickering with you about your selfish behavior. post what you want in retort.......obviously my point ill never be made. you can not reason with an unreasonable person.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a post written out quoting several things throughout your post and pointing out how they are completely wrong, but then I realize that everyone else reading this can see them just as clear as I can.

Maybe my decision was wrong. We make hundreds of decisions every day, some are ill judged and some well thought out. I tend to spend more time on decisions such as: "Should I take a higher paying job or stay where I am happy?" or "What should I do with my young son today to help with his development?" I place the importance of the decision to close this auction along with others such as "Do I want pickles on this sandwich?" or "Which hand should I wipe with?"

I won't lie - I often find myself taking this game far too seriously, as many others do. I think we all need to take a step back and look at what's really important. I hope for you, that doesn't include publicly berating others for how they handle situations in which you have absolutely no business.
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