A Murderer must try and kill the more people they can within a certain amount of time -which gets narrower as chained kills increase.
A Murderer can begin a killing spree by killing two such victims within 5 minutes.
Targets must be Blue with 0 Short and 0 Long and older than a month.
Targets must not be on the murderer's guild, faction, party or alliance.
Targets can only be people who have achieved a high path in Justice already or alternatively the respective Gargoyle Virtue.
Bounty Hunters are also valid targets.
If no Bounty Hunter is able to end the Murderer's killing spree and it times out(certain amount of time passes) it enters a data-base. The Murderer may of course begin a new killing spree.
Dying by someone other than a Bounty Hunter, including NPCs, suicide, etc DOES NOT END THE MURDERER'S SPREE nor does it cause the Murderer to lose their title.
The Murderers with the highest number of killing sprees combined with the highest number of kills per spree get Bounty on their death by the game, according to their kills and sprees.
Only 10 people, the Top 10 Murderers of a shard, can be at the same time on the Bounty Board.
If one enters the Bounty Board they get the title "The Murderer". It is visible on AllNames next to that player's name.
Being in the Top 10 means a Murderer collects DOUBLE INSURANCE MONEY per kill during a killing spree ONLY, WHICH IS NOT SUBSTRACTED BY THE VICTIM'S BANK.
Being in the Top 3 means they collect TRIPLE INSURANCE MONEY per kill during a killing spree ONLY, WHICH IS NOT SUBSTRACTED BY THE VICTIM'S BANK.
Being No. 1 grants one the title of "The Most Wanted". The Most Wanted collects x5 the insurance money per kill during a killing spree!
A Murderer cannot be part of a Party, Guild, Alliance or Faction.
A Murderer cannot enter the Bounty Board because they cannot begin a killing spree for 48 hours of game-play after Bounty Collection. Dying to a Bounty Hunter makes one lose The Murderer title of course.
Bounties can be collected only by Bounty Hunters.
Bounty Hunters can only be Blue characters that have 0 Long and 0 Short Counts, are older than a month and they also must be BLUE and not GREY when attacking Murderers.
Bounties can be collected only by people who are not in a Guild, Faction, Party or Alliance.
Lastly Bounties can be collected only by people who have achieved a high path in Justice already or alternatively the respective Gargoyle Virtue.
Having the qualifications to Bounty Hunt, and having killing a Murderer in the Top 10 and/or the Top 3 of the Bounty Board gives you the title "The Bounty Hunter".
The title stays and is visible on AllNames until a Murderer from the Top 10 and/or Top 3 list kills you. Whatever stands for a Murderer losing/retaining their title, stands for the Bounty Hunter as well regarding NPC Deaths, Suicide etc.
Killing anyone in the Top 10 gives the Bounty Hunter a large gold bounty, according to the Murderer's highest number of chained kills and killing spree totals.
Killing anyone in the Top 3 gives the Bounty Hunter an impressive gold bounty based on all of the Top 3 Murderers' highest number of chained kills and killing spree totals.
Killing the Top Murderer instantly awards a Bounty Hunter with an excessive gold bounty based on all of the Top 10 Murderers' highest number of chained kills and killing spree totals.
Also anyone killed by the Top 10 Murderers can offer gold on their head which the Bounty Hunter will get regardless of anything else. That gold is forfeited if the Murderer it is put on loses their status or drop below No. 10 in the Bounty Board.
The Bounty Hunter to kill the "Most Wanted" Murderer receives the title of "Elite Bounty Hunter".
GLOBAL INCENTIVE TO PARTICIPATE: If the "Elite Bounty Hunter" kills the "Most Wanted", they have a chance for a Replica of a random piece of equipment worn by the "Most Wanted" at the time of their death to appear on the corpse. This item bears the tag of the "Most Wanted".
EXAMPLE : "The Kryss Of The Most Wanted Murderer [PLAYERNAME], [Replica]".
Those Replicas are stealable, cannot be blessed, insured, repaired, smelted, enhanced, unraveled or enhanced with Powder Of Fortification. However, as long as their owner retains their title ("Elite Bounty Hunter" or "Most Wanted" respectively) they Self Repair.
NOTE : A Bounty Hunter and a Murderer both lose their status if they transfer to another shard, and they can only begin to achieve any status at all in their respective field again only 24 Hours after transfer.
NOTE : Name Change affects your status in both fields. It effectively disqualifies both Murderers and Bounty Hunters for 24 Hours from gaining status in their respective fields.
NOTE : All that matters is who delivers the killing blow for both sides.
A Murderer must try and kill the more people they can within a certain amount of time -which gets narrower as chained kills increase.
A Murderer can begin a killing spree by killing two such victims within 5 minutes.
Targets must be Blue with 0 Short and 0 Long and older than a month.
Targets must not be on the murderer's guild, faction, party or alliance.
Targets can only be people who have achieved a high path in Justice already or alternatively the respective Gargoyle Virtue.
Bounty Hunters are also valid targets.
If no Bounty Hunter is able to end the Murderer's killing spree and it times out(certain amount of time passes) it enters a data-base. The Murderer may of course begin a new killing spree.
Dying by someone other than a Bounty Hunter, including NPCs, suicide, etc DOES NOT END THE MURDERER'S SPREE nor does it cause the Murderer to lose their title.
The Murderers with the highest number of killing sprees combined with the highest number of kills per spree get Bounty on their death by the game, according to their kills and sprees.
Only 10 people, the Top 10 Murderers of a shard, can be at the same time on the Bounty Board.
If one enters the Bounty Board they get the title "The Murderer". It is visible on AllNames next to that player's name.
Being in the Top 10 means a Murderer collects DOUBLE INSURANCE MONEY per kill during a killing spree ONLY, WHICH IS NOT SUBSTRACTED BY THE VICTIM'S BANK.
Being in the Top 3 means they collect TRIPLE INSURANCE MONEY per kill during a killing spree ONLY, WHICH IS NOT SUBSTRACTED BY THE VICTIM'S BANK.
Being No. 1 grants one the title of "The Most Wanted". The Most Wanted collects x5 the insurance money per kill during a killing spree!
A Murderer cannot be part of a Party, Guild, Alliance or Faction.
A Murderer cannot enter the Bounty Board because they cannot begin a killing spree for 48 hours of game-play after Bounty Collection. Dying to a Bounty Hunter makes one lose The Murderer title of course.
Bounties can be collected only by Bounty Hunters.
Bounty Hunters can only be Blue characters that have 0 Long and 0 Short Counts, are older than a month and they also must be BLUE and not GREY when attacking Murderers.
Bounties can be collected only by people who are not in a Guild, Faction, Party or Alliance.
Lastly Bounties can be collected only by people who have achieved a high path in Justice already or alternatively the respective Gargoyle Virtue.
Having the qualifications to Bounty Hunt, and having killing a Murderer in the Top 10 and/or the Top 3 of the Bounty Board gives you the title "The Bounty Hunter".
The title stays and is visible on AllNames until a Murderer from the Top 10 and/or Top 3 list kills you. Whatever stands for a Murderer losing/retaining their title, stands for the Bounty Hunter as well regarding NPC Deaths, Suicide etc.
Killing anyone in the Top 10 gives the Bounty Hunter a large gold bounty, according to the Murderer's highest number of chained kills and killing spree totals.
Killing anyone in the Top 3 gives the Bounty Hunter an impressive gold bounty based on all of the Top 3 Murderers' highest number of chained kills and killing spree totals.
Killing the Top Murderer instantly awards a Bounty Hunter with an excessive gold bounty based on all of the Top 10 Murderers' highest number of chained kills and killing spree totals.
Also anyone killed by the Top 10 Murderers can offer gold on their head which the Bounty Hunter will get regardless of anything else. That gold is forfeited if the Murderer it is put on loses their status or drop below No. 10 in the Bounty Board.
The Bounty Hunter to kill the "Most Wanted" Murderer receives the title of "Elite Bounty Hunter".
GLOBAL INCENTIVE TO PARTICIPATE: If the "Elite Bounty Hunter" kills the "Most Wanted", they have a chance for a Replica of a random piece of equipment worn by the "Most Wanted" at the time of their death to appear on the corpse. This item bears the tag of the "Most Wanted".
EXAMPLE : "The Kryss Of The Most Wanted Murderer [PLAYERNAME], [Replica]".
Those Replicas are stealable, cannot be blessed, insured, repaired, smelted, enhanced, unraveled or enhanced with Powder Of Fortification. However, as long as their owner retains their title ("Elite Bounty Hunter" or "Most Wanted" respectively) they Self Repair.
NOTE : A Bounty Hunter and a Murderer both lose their status if they transfer to another shard, and they can only begin to achieve any status at all in their respective field again only 24 Hours after transfer.
NOTE : Name Change affects your status in both fields. It effectively disqualifies both Murderers and Bounty Hunters for 24 Hours from gaining status in their respective fields.
NOTE : All that matters is who delivers the killing blow for both sides.