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[Buying] Bought


Stratics Veteran
Try this guy, maybe he still has it.

[Selling] - tram castle and luna house chessy

Also, DreadLord Lestat was talking about selling his castle recently. One of the best locations :)

[Price Check] - Chessy Tram Castle in Vesper Guard Zone
First castle has been sold. I know who bought it. Dreadlord Lestat, last time i talked to him, said he was still holding onto his. Several people were interested in purchasing it.

I might know of a Swamp one, but he doesn't want swamp.

One couple owns a ton of Chesapeake castles and from what I know, they aren't selling any. In fact, I know they have gotten more in the past year.

On Chesapeake if you want a Castle, your best chance is after a fall.


Stratics Veteran
well its got swamp trees in front of it then open land and ocean.