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Bought them both thanks for the help!

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was able to buy the Vorpal for 10m and Staff for 9 mil. So I spent 5 mil less than anticipated and saving is always good! Thank you everyone for you help!

Thanks Again!


those will be worth alot more then 7 mil when its over



those will be worth alot more then 7 mil when its over

[/ QUOTE ]

based on...?


I t really is about the same as a Staff of the Magi except undead slayer so I have to agree why would they be worth more?


I do agree that it will be worth more than the staff of the magi when the event is done, however I don't beleive that much more (maybe 1-2 mil more than the magi staff just because they are a bit more rare maybe). On the other hand I also see the pyros staff driving down the staff of the magi as it is a duplicate copy with the obvious exceptions.... so when it is all said and done, it might level at 7 mil..

I would also like to know why you think it would be worth a lot more. I have looted 6 so far and you could give me good reason to hold onto all of them.


If the basis for its worth is simply going to be rarity then I would suggest holding off any hypotheses you might chose to come up with. The reason you should wait? There's no evidence to show that this item will not continue to spawn in a dungeon somewhere, or in doom, etc. Jeremy has made the comment that the DEV team wishes to have artys continue to spawn in the anti virtue dungeons, and to add new ones as time goes on. In addition, how many times have we seen cursed artifacts now? Like a dozen?(I exaggerate, barely).


I could be wrong....Its just a hunch...

Dont get me wrong...I sold one for 14 mil...

But I am holding onto two of them...

Also....the fact it has Fire Damage makes it better then Magi....Fire is where people exploit things in PvP...

Corpse Skin....Curse.....Exp...FS...this Staff hitting...its not a pretty combo...


Poison would've been where it's at for pvp
Everyone and their cousin knows to boost as much fire resist as possible and people who are good at it already have a suit that puts them at 70 FR while corpse skinned in vamp form.

A fire staff of the magi is just a novelty item. The swing speed is laughable and the proc rate of the flame special effect will probably be even more laughable. Couple the that with the fact that it's disarmable, will be spawning nonstop throughout this arc of events, people doing it 24/7 on every shard and you can see that the price of these will simply keep dropping until they decide to turn off the spawning of them. And the last time I read, Draconi didn't plan on doing that anytime soon and said it'd only get more abundant.